
Our Team - CovidPass

Yann Blay

Yann Blay

CBO • Co-Founder

Financial | Management
Over 23 years in the Software edition and corporate management.

Stephane Evrard

Stephane Evrard

COO • Co-Founder

IT | Management
Over 28 years in design, communication, IT and the corporate management.

Chaden Boustany

Chaden Boustany

Sales, Press and Investor relations

MBA from HEC- Paris and a BA in Economics from Rutgers University.

Florian Belliard

Florian Belliard


IT | FullStack
More than 8 years technical project leader
Fullstack developer.

Bernard Blay

Bernard Blay

Biological Expert

More than 40 years in the direction of Biological laboratories for medical analysis and technical biological.

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